Game Collection Roundtable 04/04/2016: Mitomo (iOS), Chronicles of Teddy (PS4), Killer Instinct Season 3 (Xbox One)

Every week, the Diehard GameFAN team adds new games to their collections. Sometimes they are new releases, physical or digital, DLC or full games, but they are all building blocks in our greater collections.


Twitter: @Alexanderlucard | Full Archive

Tabletop Games:

Warhammer; Age of Sigmar – Grand Alliance Order. Another book of stat blocks.

Video Games

Mitomo (iOS) – I still don’t understand the point of this.

Nightcry (PC) – I love Clock Tower, but this was really disappointing.

Mark B.

Twitter: @markbwriting | Full Archive

Prison Architect (XBO)
Nightcry (PC)
Stranger of Sword City (Vita)
Sparkle Unleashed (XBO)
Baseball Riot (XBO)
Beatsplosion (XBO)
Albedo: Eyes from Outer Space (XBO)
Senran Kagura: Estival Versus (PS4)

Well, now that I’ve officially finished working on my Masters Degree and am done with college (for now), I thought it was time to pick up some games to review for the site, because I have been dying to write SO MUCH YOU GUYS and this was as good a time as any to do it. I’ve only really spent time with Stranger of Sword City (which is pretty good), Prison Architect (which is good but a little finicky) and Sparkle Unleashed (which is fine if you like Zuma), but so far everything I’ve picked up seems fine enough, and should be fun to play through.

Well, ALMOST everything in the list is for review. Senran Kagura is probably going to be reviewed by Sean sooner rather than later, but I wanted to free up a spot in my Gamefly queue and honestly, I hold a midground opinion on sexualized stuff in games (that is, I feel like we need better female characters, but I ALSO feel like cheesecake has a place in the gaming world), so I’m not at all ashamed to say I bought this and will probably stream it sooner rather than later.

Aaron Sirois

Twitter: @DHGFAaronS | Full Archive

Chronicles of Teddy (PS4) – Got this for review. It’s a Metroidvania game done in pixel art. It seems OK so far, but I have no idea what on earth is going on.

WWE 2K16 Season Pass – Got this because I was in the mood to play the game some more the week before Wrestlemania. Naturally, the pass went on sale two days later. Oh well. It does make me want a full game with nothing but the stars of the late 80’s/early 90’s though.

Also, will be hitting up the MTG Shadows Over Innistrad prerelease event. Here’s hoping for a foil Avacyn. Or a non foil Avacyn. Any Avacyn at all will do. Angels rock.

Jonathan Widro

Twitter: @Widro | Full Archive

Killer Instinct Season 3 – Xbox One
Resident Evil 6 – PS4

I’m not even sure why i got RE6!






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