Hey folks. Perhaps you’ve noticed the cast pictures here and there around the site, at the bottom of our reviews and attached to our various columns and features, and if you have, great! If not, take a look:
Alex Lucard.
Bebito Jackson.
Mark B.
Bryan Berg.
Aaron Sirois.
ML Kennedy.
Fred Badlissi.
Matt Yaeger.
Guy Desmarais.
Chuck Platt.
Charlie Marsh.
Chris Bowen and Aileen Coe.
Robert Capra.
Ashe Collins.
John Widro.
And of course, the man himself:
J. Rose.
Of course, we’re bringing this up for a reason: our in-house artist has managed to con impress TeeFury with a fantastic design of what is, essentially, a reinterpretation of the film “A Clockwork Orange”, if it were about something completely different:
Neat, isn’t it?
Now, here’s the thing: TeeFury only sells shirts for ONE DAY, that being today (01/13/09), meaning that if you want a copy, you’ll have to order it TODAY, as Mr. Rose doesn’t have his own shirt sales site set up (yet).
Of course, we’re very proud of his accomplishment here, as we would be for any of our contributors, and we hope you like it and want to buy your very own, but if not, no worries. We won’t love you any less. To those who are interested, however, check out the above link, and we hope you like it!
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