Tag: rayman origins
Diehard GameCAST: Episode 38 – Saint’s Row IV, Dragon’s Crown, Tales of Xillia, Mario & Luigi: Dream Team, and more!
After a brief hiatus, we’re back to catch up on our ever growing log of played games as well as discuss Phil Fish dropping development on Fez 2.
E3 2011 Impressions: Rayman Origins (Sony PS3, Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii)
Ubisoft showed off Rayman Origins at their booth at E3 2011, and it’s turning out to be an epic new HD 2D platformer for later in 2011.
E3 2011 Swag: Rayman Origins Shirt (Sony PS3, Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii)
The line for Rayman Origins wasn’t too long at E3 2011, however each group of players could play for up to 30 minutes, so the wait was longer than expected. However, the game itself was really awesome, but the wait was worth it more because of the swag. Each person at the Ubisoft booth to…