Game Collection Roundtable 05/02/2016: Friends of Nintendo Humble Bundle, Severed (Vita), Tecmo’s Deception: Invitation to Darkness (PSN)

Every week, the Diehard GameFAN team adds new games to their collections. Sometimes they are new releases, physical or digital, DLC or full games, but they are all building blocks in our greater collections.


Twitter: @Alexanderlucard | Full Archive

Friends of Nintendo Humble Bundle. Eight games and a theme for $13 with more coming next week. This was a no-brainer.

Wailing Heights. I damn well expect this to be our adventure game of the year.

Killer Bundle 7 from Bundle Stars. A lot of fantastic games in this one.

Crystal Shards

Twitter: @DHGFCrystal | Full Archive


Well, the 26th was my birthday, and I got Windwaker for the Wii U and tickets to the Symphony of the Goddesses in November from Ryan. I am a very happy person right now.

We also picked up the Magic: The Gathering – Shadows over Innistrad starter decks Ghostly Tide and Angelic Fury. No interesting cards in the booster packs, though.

Sean Madson

Twitter: @DHGFMadson | Full Archive

Friends of Nintendo Humble Bundle
Renegade (PS4)
Tecmo’s Deception: Invitation to Darkness (PSN)

I picked up the Nintendo Bundle primarily for Rhythm Thief, as the other games I already owned in some form, but still made for a nice bonus (at an insane price I might add). Renegade and Deception were acquisitions from this week’s PSN sale.


Twitter: @shizuoya | Full Archive

So it’s Golden Week in Japan, which means it’s Playstation’s Annual “put every Japanese game available for sale” Week. I bought Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth and Hatoful Boyfriend: Holiday Star both for the Vita. I’m considering to pick up one more game before the sale ends next week but I haven’t decided yet. If I buy Atelier Escha & Logy: Alchemists of the Dusk Sky just because Ishikawa Kaito is in it, I will blame Genos for all of my anime problems forever.


Twitter: @Kapoutman | Full Archive

I picked up the “Humble Friends of Nintendo Bundle” because it was a ridiculously good deal for the price. I mainly picked it up for three games:

Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse: I love platformers and this looks like it could be right up my alley. The trailer made it look fast-paced and stylish. I’m in.

Citizens of Earth: From the trailer, this seems like a Pokémon game where you collect people, and that’s a gimmick that I can definitely get behind. I hope that the quirkiness and sense of humour from the video introduction can translate to the full game.

Affordable Space Adventure: I was looking for a new cooperative game to play with my fiancée, but she is a bit difficult when it comes to picking games. However, she is a huge Trekkie, and I’m hoping that piloting a spaceship and fiddling with a bunch of important systems will be something that interests her.

I would have paid a reasonable amount of money for these three games alone, but I’ll gladly take the rest. Retro City Rampage looks like it could be good mindless fun. Freedom Planet makes me think of old-school Sonic, which is not a bad thing at all. I could definitely play a few rounds of Super Street Fighter IV against my coworkers when we get tired of Super Smash Bros. on 3DS.

I am not as interested by Rhythm Thief or Darksiders II, but I am going to give these games a chance to change my mind. I am also very much looking forward to seeing what the game or games added to the bundle next week are going to be.

Jonathan Widro

Twitter: @Widro | Full Archive

this week i picked up:

Severed (Vita) – weird Vita exclusive from Drinkbox, involves slicing up enemies then collecting their severed limbs for upgrades.
Alienation (PS4) – big fan of Housemarque and this one isn’t zombie themed (a deal breaker) so I picked it up
Ninja Gaiden 3 Razor’s Edge (PS3) – part of a PSN sale, picked it up to complete the trilogy

what did everyone else get?






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