Every week, the Diehard GameFAN team adds new games to their collections. Sometimes they are new releases, physical or digital, DLC or full games, but they are all building blocks in our greater collections.
Transformers Devastation (PS3) – Mediocre button masher. Definitely not a keeper, but decent fun for what it is.
Build a Bundle 9. I snagged Kult: Heretic Kingdoms and Deadlands Noir – That old Time Religion through this.
Reaper Miniatures does some exclusive figures in October and a prize pack if you purchase forty dollars or more from them. So I went in and picked some stuff up.
Bonesylvania Familiar Pack #1
Talathlan, Elf Ranger (Modding into Zartan)
Navy Seal Diver
Punk Rock Drummer (to mod into Buzzer from Cold Sylther)
Evie, Post-Apocalyptic Heroine (to turn into Lady Jaye)
Parrot Sprue (for my Shipwreck)
Pug Dog Sprue (For my Dogweilder)
My prize pack was a bunch of candy, four paints and two Reaper Bones (One Lara Croft and one Goblin). The deal is going on all October, so it’s a great time to get some free paint and minis!
Various P4D DLC – I picked up the free costumes of course, but also grabbed Marie’s DLC and the first Animation pack. Marie’s song is “Break Out Of” and it is awesome. Not only is the song great, but the notes are fun to play on All Night difficulty. It took me a couple of tries to crack it though. The animation tracks are short, but really sweet. They’re both incredibly fast paces and feature some really tricky note patterns. I kind of wish we could get full versions, even if there’s nothing playing in the background.
Madden NFL 15 (PS4) – I’ve been jonesing to play a football game since the new season started. However, I have little interest in paying sixty bucks for a game that won’t hold any value a few months from now. Gamefly was also unable to send me the new game. However, I was able to nab last year’s entry for about seven bucks. So soon I will footballing to my heart’s content.
Demetrios Demo (PC) – I’ve already gone ahead and wrote a preview for this game. Basically, it is the best kind of irreverent adventure game. Getting sent to jail for peeing on a plant, or getting killed because you decided to take a lighter to a gas radiator is exactly the kind of wacky hijinx I’m looking for in a game like this. I can’t wait for the full game to be released.
As for the PS Plus stuff, I’m looking forward to try Broken Age at some point, and already have Super Meat Boy downloaded to my Vita. The rest of the package was a bit underwhelming. I had no interest in Kung Fu Rabbit, and already own four different versions of Kickbeat. I find it unsettling, though, that the PS3/Vita free games weren’t announced until they day they were out. I’m worried that perhaps Sony is considering phasing them out soon. That would definitely devalue the worth of PS Plus if it happens.
Contradiction – Spot the Liar!(PC) – it is a full motion video murder mystery. It starts out kind of serious with bad acting, but then you reach a point when you realize it is intentional and it gets down right hilarious. All the people involved seem super rad and have a great sense of humor about it. One of the guys kinda looks like Benedict Cumberbatch earning him the nick name “Cumberbotch” by Giant Bomb (www.giantbomb.com) and he has rolled with it lovingly. It is all around a great time in game and in the real world. I think I will write something up about it, people should know this game and play it at parties.
Goldeneye Reloaded 007(PS3) – I love James Bond games, even if they are less spy like and more calling to duty these days. I had the Wii version but “upgraded” to PS3 on the cheap. It is kind of fun, kind of okay, but not great.
Lego Batman 3(PS4) – I have a Lego problem, okay? Not nearly as much fun as some of the other games in the series so far, but auto changing to the equipment you need is a great time saver.
PS Plus Line up(PlayStations) – I haven’t touched any of them yet, but I had been holding off on Broken Age for a while so I am stoked to have that and I have heard great things about Chariot.
- Transformers Devastation (PS4)
- fighting climax (Vita)
I picked up Transformers Devastation for ps4 because of platinum games… i also picked up fighting climax for vita because why not
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