Every week, the Diehard GameFAN team adds new games to their collections. Sometimes they are new releases, physical or digital, DLC or full games, but they are all building blocks in our greater collections.
- Addams Family Pinball (PS3/Vita)
Codes came in for Kickstarter backers. Very excited for this to finally exist.
- Mortal Kombat X – Jason Voorhees DLC (PS4)
- Hearthstone – Blackrock Mountain (PC)
- Nekopara Vol 1 (Pcz)
I’m a massive Friday the 13th fan, so Jason was legitimately one of my selling points for this game. I considered buying the season pass just to get him a week early, but decided the saved money was more important. He’s easily worth the five bucks I spent on him.
I’m late to the party, but I finally caved and bought this Hearthstone – Blackrock Mountain expansion. The lure of playing a Grim Patron deck was simply too much.
Nekopara Vol 1 (Pcz) – Mark made me do it.
- Assassin’s Creed Rogue (360)
- Assassin’s Creed Unity (XBO)
- Lords of the Fallen (XBO)
- Shadow Warrior (XBO)
I figured an announcement for a new AC game meant that last year’s model(s) would plummet in price, and wouldn’t you know it, both games are almost within my under $10 price range during the most recent Gamefly sale. I tossed Lords of the Fallen and Shadow Warrior into the mix out of sheer curiousity.
- Toren (PS4)
- Color Guardians (PS4/Vita)
- Mortal Kombat (Vita)
- Freedom Wars (Vita)
i grabbed toren on ps4 and color guardians ps4/vita
mk and freedom wars for vita for $4.80
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