DDO Drops Axe On Mournlands, Haunted Halls Beta upcoming

500After years of having a select group of players on a secret test server where they got to see the upcoming content long before the rest of the world saw it on the regular test server, the secret server known as Mournlands is no more. In a Developer post from MajMalphunktion, a member of Dungeons and Dragons Online QA, it was announced that they would be shutting it down in favor of far more open testing on Lammania, the public test server. With the new method comes a few changes where Lammania will no longer be up and running all the time, however players will get to experience and add in thoughts long before the content goes live giving the developers time to work out the kinks for the more vocal fanbase.

The first big drop on Lammania will occur later this week when two new quests drop for VIPs, the monthly subscribers to DDO, The Haunted Halls of Eveningstar and Thunderholme. The new quest and the area are based off an old school early Dungeons and Dragons module that could take up to 5 hours to complete if you do everything. Right now players can of course expect all sorts of warts and bugs and, of course, completely unscaled monsters.

These announcements come after the beginnings of the formation of a Player’s Council for Dungeons and Dragons Online, which finished taking applications this week, and it looks very much like the usually tight-lipped Turbine is turning it around a little bit to make it far more open for players and giving them far more input and developer interaction than we’ve seen in the past.





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