Author: Pulse Glazer
Top 20 Heroclix in DC’s Superman Set
20. Matter-Eater Lad – 025, 35 pts. – Sure he’s a cheap taxi, but he’s cheap and demands to be dealt with. He’s cheap and pushable. He’s cheap and messes with an opponents strategy. He has exploit weakness to invulnerable/impervious guys, steal energy to heal back up, and, most impressively, can use a free action…
Hands-On Preview with WWE Legend Shawn Michaels: Cabela’s Big Game Hunters 2012 (Sony PS3, Microsoft Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii)
Shooting virtual animals with “The Heartbreak Kid” himself!
Review: Twelve Figures From the Captain America Heroclix Set (Captain America, Winter Guard, Secret Warriors, Black Panther, Black Widow, Sin)
There’s a new Heroclix set out today! The Captain America Set has been released, and with most of the figures and dials spoiled, I’ll be giving some initial thoughts and a rating from onme to five for twelve notable characters within the Common, Uncommon, and Rare slots in three different formats: Sealed 300 pts, Constructed…