Welcome back to our third review of the Dwarven Forge Cavern Tiles. Today we will be looking at two sets -the Wicked Addition pack and the Water Cavern pack. Now, most of the review will focus on the Wicked Addition as the Water Cavern tiles are exactly the same as the Lava Cavern set we looked at on Tuesday, except they are painted to look like water instead of Magma. There’s no point in going in-depth with what is essentially a paint variant, so let’s look at that one quickly.
See, same thing, but a different color. I actually prefer these to the Lava Cavern tiles, if only because they are more versatile. Now, let’s do the Wicked Addition pack.
Here is a look at al the pieces in the Wicked Addition set. As you can see, this is a very eclectic set compared to the other ones we have looked at this week. You can’t actually build a room or dungeon with these. These are meant to compliment the base set and any expansions that you have purchased. These are mainly doors and the occasional floor tile. Obviously,t his should not be your first foray into Dwarven Forge tiles or you will be a bit lost and disappointed. For those that have several sets already though, this set can be a fine add-on and really spruce up your creations.
Here is a close-up of the waterfall tiles. I love these. They look great, especially the foam, which is made from some sort of string material. These are really fragile because of the foam, but they can really make the Water Cavern pack come alive.
A set of rooms tunneled out by some large creature like a purple worm. Perhaps a lair of a monster as well.
Giant stone pillars. They work great with a bridge suspended on them or as decoration.
Tiny little openings characters will have to crawl through to get to the other side.
Carved out passages by some creature. These work great with the carved out rooms we looked at earlier.
A smashed through wall. Great to use when players try such a thing or to show that a part of the cavern was once sealed of for some reason.
This is a pretty cool tile. It’s actually a secret passageway. The top part swivels for a fun effect.
Last but certainly not least we have my wife’s favorite tile that Dwarven Forge has put out in any of these sets – the monster door. With Rhinestone eyes and stalactites for teeth, it’s super creepy looking and lets players and their characters know they are in for a potentially lethal experience.
Finally we have a look at a dungeon made with the Base Set, a Stretch Goal pack and this Wicked Addition Pack. You can see the leftover tiles tot he top of the page.
Overall, the Wicked Addition pack is a mixed bag. There are some tiles you will absolutely love and some you will be cool too. I really liked the monster door, the waterfalls and the hidden passageway, but I really wouldn’t need any of the others. So Wicked Addition is really only a pack you should pick up if you are looking to get extra elaborate with your dungeons and don’t mind the fact you will almost always set aside around half of these tiles when you make something. We will be back tomorrow with our final two pack review. See you then!
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