Pulse Cannon

Seeing as it’s the holiday season now, I’d like to start a tradition this year. I’ve got a public forum. So why not exploit it for good? Therefore I’d like to encourage you all to donate to the “Give O’Reilly a Present” fund. Afterall whats the point of having a column if I can’t whore myself out every now and then? All donations will be accepted at Inside Pulse Towers. Just look for the giant Widro statue. You can’t miss it.

Ok seriously now. I’d like to tell you fine readers a story this week. Shortly after I was born, I developed breathing problems. I was taken to the hospital and very nearly died. But thanks to some dedicated doctors at my local sick children’s hospital i lived and thrived. I was sent home and grew up to be the cynical bastard you see before you today.

But many children aren’t so fortunate. They can develop diseases which require that they spend long periods of time in the hospital, sometimes the rest of their sadly too short lives. You can help them, at least in a small way. You know the charities. Penny Arcade has their
Childs Play
fund, which allows you to donate games or money to various Children’s Hospitals across the continent (Including Toronto’s Hospital for Sick Children, whom I am personally indebted to). McDonald’s has their
McDonald House which helps provide a home away from home for families of seriously ill children receiving treatment at nearby hospital. And lastly there is the
Make-a-Wish foundation
which sends children with life-threatening medical conditions where ever they’d like to go, whether it be places such as Disney Land or meeting famous heroes such as NASCAR’s Jeff Gordon.

There are far more charities out there than the three I’ve listed above, and all of them deserve our support. I just felt that during this time of giving you could help a child who needs it. After all, Santa likes good boys and girls.

That’s all for this week. Talk to you next Tuesday.




