The Top 10 Xbox Live Games of 2003!
Aerial combat is one hell of an experience when its executed properly. And thankfully for us, Crimson Skies executes it tremendously.
Thankfully, you can jump in online at any time you desire. Nothing needs to be unlocked, as you’ll have access to all the planes and maps when you’re online. Lovely, lovely stuff.
Of course once you pick your unstoppable death machine and your mode of play, you’re going to be engulfed in a gigantic world of aerial warfare. You’ll be fighting upwards of 15 other aircraft as bullets and missiles fly across the screen. You’re going to need to be quick, fast, and know how to maneuver in order to survive. Not only that, but you can be pretty sneaky and take control of the random turrets lying around and shoot from the ground.
Of course there are teammate matches, which are even more fun than the dogfights. You and your team always have to be on your toes here. If you accidentally shoot your buddies, you’ll have a LOT of explaining to do.
It’s all strategy, and it’s all up to you to prevail. Great online experience all around.
— Alex Williams
The Top 10 Xbox Live Games of 2003!
The most popular online PC game of all time made its way to consoles this fall, as Counter-Strike landed exclusively on Xbox and Xbox Live. The game brings the action of the PC to the Xbox, and takes it a step further with the ability to communicate via the Communicator Headset.
The headset is a big key to your success in playing Counter-Strike online. The coolest feature is that when alive, you’re only allowed to communicate with team members. However, when dead, the “dead pool” all may communicate (and trash talk) with each other until a team scores the victory. Being able to watch your team in action, while at the same time being able to follow it with other dead gamers, including opponents, make being dead not seem quite as bad!
While some may argue that Counter-Strike is too one dimensional, as basically the online game features only one mode and is relatively unspectacular as an offline game, others live to play CS. Counter-Strike is without a doubt one of the, if not the best shooters available on Xbox Live this year. Any fan of FPS shooters, or fans of the PC version will definitely want to check out Counter-Strike.
— Alex Williams
The Top 10 Xbox Live Games of 2003!
With Xbox Live one year old, the folks at Microsoft decided to step it up a notch for one of its most popular online genres: those being the sports games. Enter XSN Sports, the revolutionary new way for sports gamers to play online.
XSN is like a fantasy sports league, with gamers getting the option to join a tournament or season of their choice in any of Microsoft’s first-party sports lineup. XSN then allows you to compete in the exclusive XSN leagues, with your stats being tracked via
Taking it a step further is the ability to receive game challenges and reminders via your PC or even your cell phone. If you and a league rival have a game to play, you can set up a device to remind you of game time!
Overall, the XSN Sports concept is definitely one of the coolest new innovations of 2003. It still could use a few kinks to work out for next season, such as the need to manually enter all of your XSN rivals into your friend’s list, as opposed to XSN telling you when they’re online.
Expect XSN to grow as we roll into next season, and if you’re sports gamer with Xbox Live, you’re crazy not to test the waters of XSN Sports!
— Chris Pankonin