BIG news alert
By the time you read this, 411 Black should be up and running (if it’s not, it will be, *very* soon). It’s the latest branch of the site, and is basically a free-for-all zone where any 411’ers can go to write… whatever. My World Cup Final Tribute is still taking shape, but it’ll be going there in due time. Oh yes, I’m going to start occasionally blogging there, too. As, it seems, will everyone else..
Anyway. 411 Black. It’s going to be great.
Gaming News
New shots of Deus Ex: Invisible War? Yes please. Sadly I’ve not had a working PC to play the demo so I can’t comment on the game, but if the screens are anything to go by, Ion Storm will have another corker on their hands. Oh, and try investigating the Doom III stuff as well. Can you hear the sound of thousands of gamers drooling in unison?
New UK Releases this week
Battlestar Galactica (PS2)
Blade & Sword (PC)
Fallout Brotherhood of Steel (PS2, Xbox)
Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone: Next Generation (PS2, Xbox, Cube)
Judge Dredd vs Judge Death (Cube)
Medal of Honor: Infiltrator (GBA)
The Sims Bustin’ Out (PS2, Xbox, Cube)
Total Club Manager 2004 (PS2)
Another lineup to make me go “meh”ÂÂ. Not that I can complain, since I’ve had neither the time nor the money to buy any games recently… But still.
Its not the same without Pimps
Exams/Finals are in full flow in the US, it seems. So those stuck working get pimped first. Laflin has finally done his presentation, and celebrated in true student fashion – With alcohol.
Williams is currently working towards his. In case you were wondering, my exams aren’t till the end of January.
LiquidCross has come to the end of his Mega Man Odyssey. Join him for the last time, Then wait and see what he comes up with next.
Look! It’s Lucard! Headling a 411 special on the Sega CD! Quick, click the link before he disappears again! Or, more accurately, vanished back to watch Pokemon TV with Pikachu.