From a Gamer’s Basement Alpha

So this is the time when I tell people about myself and give you a brief preview into what the hell I will be writing about every Sunday of your week. While I have no set format, obviously I will write about something related to the gaming world and industry. What can you expect to see? Maybe a little explanation about who I am will help us get to that answer. Well Iâ┚¬â”žÂ¢m a senior in college, who grew up in the 8-bit era and has been gaming ever since. As a result Iâ┚¬â”žÂ¢ve always held to a view that holds the old school age of gaming above most of what comes out these days. Iâ┚¬â”žÂ¢m a real traditionalist that way, but in turn, that does not necessarily mean I hate the state of the gaming industry that currently exists. So a lot of the time you may see me latch on to a relatively big news story in the news that week and I will give my unique opinion on it. Drawing upon a decent amount of years of experience in gaming I hope to give some insightful and hopefully thought provoking commentary. Like the rest of the Kliq you wonâ┚¬â”žÂ¢t find me sugar coating anything either. I definitely donâ┚¬â”žÂ¢t write to please those people who only want to hear good things no matter how bad they really are. Of course, you may be asking yourself, what are you going to write about if the gaming industry goes through a slow week, because in case you havenâ┚¬â”žÂ¢t noticed, some times out of the year produce little to nothing for news.

Well to that I say donâ┚¬â”žÂ¢t worry, because Iâ┚¬â”žÂ¢m sure Iâ┚¬â”žÂ¢ll come up with something. Whether it be a look back at a personal favorite of mine, or just a general look at a hot topic in gaming today, you can count on reading it at Inside Pulse every Sunday. I want to encourage anyone who reads my work and has anything to comment on to e-mail me. It truly doesnâ┚¬â”žÂ¢t matter to me whether you disagree or agree, because I honestly always like to look at anything I write about from every vantage point possible. So next Sunday weâ┚¬â”žÂ¢ll have the debut of â┚¬Å”From a Gamerâ┚¬â”žÂ¢s Basementâ┚¬Â, and I might as well just let the topic slip now so you can get a feel for what I will write about. Next week I will talk about the gaming industry and the economics that we may see once the next generation of consoles hits the market. Rumors are always flying about price tags and what not, and naturally as a gamer, and as a consumer it is interesting to consider what may happen come a couple years from now, or less, when the big three let their new consoles hit the streets. So until then enjoy the plethora of content we have up for you to enjoy, especially the great reviews we have up for the launch of Inside Pulse. Iâ┚¬â”žÂ¢ll be back next week with the first official installment of From a Gamerâ┚¬â”žÂ¢s Basement.



